About Me

Me on a camel in the Sahara Desert


I am an Australian with a passion for travel and the exhilarating freedom it offers. My journey into wanderlust commenced after high school when I attended university on the Gold Coast, a tourist mecca. During my final year of studies, I was working in a tiny hot dog stand located on the main tourist strip. I had the opportunity to interact with travelers from around the world. Meeting these travelers ignited a spark within me, and not long after that, I embarked on what would end up being an extensive exploration of the globe. My years-long global odyssey has led me through the diverse landscapes of over 30 countries, where I have met some remarkable people and seen some magnificent places.

I was awakened to the importance of conservation during my time in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was while working at a National Conservation Area that I came to appreciate the seemingly desolate beauty that surrounded me. I embarked on a journey of discovery and took Naturalist classes where I was educated on how the local plants and animals had adaptations that allowed them to survive in such an unforgiving place. I also learned how we can be stewards of the land around us so that the plants, animals, geology, natural resources and cultural history can be preserved. My love of nature only deepened as I spent time in different places - especially in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Now I learn about any place I visit by first going out and photographing the landscapes and animals & studying them. 

I believe that one of the most impactful ways to inspire conservation is through education. When I share my photographs, I include tidbits of information that I hope will stoke people’s curiosity. By fostering a curiosity for the marvels that surround us, I hope to ignite a passion in people for preserving our environment. This passion can, in turn lead to small acts of kindness and a collective commitment to safeguard our planet ensuring it is maintained for future generations to enjoy and protect. My goal for this website is to inspire you to cherish, and subsequently learn about, the incredibleness of what’s around you so you may better understand it and want to protect it too. If you're not into all of that, I hope you think my photos are pretty.

Camera lens out the window of a bronco sport




I love your adventurous life and your amazing photos. Your pictures and facts behind them are so educational for me. I learn so much through you. ❤️

Christine Abel

